Friday, June 27, 2008

D.C. vs. Heller May Help Democrats

Yesterday's Supreme Court decision striking down D.C.'s ridiculous gun ban was a great affirmation of the 2nd amendment and does restore a little sanity and credibility to the high court, especially after SCOTUS blew it on the Louisiana death penalty case. After all, the 2nd amendment is one of the shortest and easiest to read in the Constitution. It says what it says and is what it is in plain English. The municipal gun bans in liberal cities across the nation were in defiant opposition to the rule of law and have been in need of judicial review for decades. Now armed with the right to defend themselves, law-abiding citizens of D.C. just might be able to make the nation's capital a fairly nice place to live and visit. The landmark decision is one of only a scant few achievements Bush has in his legacy, as the Scalia decision was supported by his appointees Justices Roberts and Alito. Democrats, however, have much to gain from the decision. With the decision firmly putting gun owners at ease, and if the Democrats can suppress the anti-gun extremists from within their party, Obama could effectively go after millions of votes of gun owners upset over the economy and the Iraq war, with the gun issue taken out of the electoral equation. McCain possibly could benefit, but only if he gets voters to realize that 5-4 decisions like D.C. vs. Heller won't be going conservatives' way in the future if Obama gets to replace a justice or two during his administration.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Obama Can't Play on a Level Playing Field

For the first time in recent history, a presidential candidate will not accept the $85 million in public funding for the presidential campaign. Obama has elected to forfeit the public money so he can spend double or triple the amount raised in private donations. McCain has pledged to use the public funds, limiting the GOP to that amount. Obama's behavior should make voters take a hard look at Democratic values. Isn't the Democratic Party always harping on "leveling the playing field" with their liberal policies? Yet now Obama is setting the stage to cheat by being able to outspend McCain. As his excuse Obama basically said that the GOP has learned to win on a level playing field, so he has to cheat to win. Also, aren't the Democrats the "working man's" party? Yet Obama is electing to give up public funding so that he can accept millions from liberal celebrities, entrepreneurs, and trial lawyers. Obama has affirmed what conservatives have claimed for years, that the DEMOCRATS are the party of rich and privileged crybabies.