Wednesday, March 25, 2009

EU Shows Obama No Love!

Well, now that Obama is in the White House, all is well with U.S.-European relations, right? Wrong. Contrary to what Europeans and liberal Americans claimed during the election, it wasn't the Bush administration that Europeans disliked--it is our nation itself with its vast freedoms and the opportunities we afford ALL of our citizens that they view with an ardent jealousy that borders on hatred. (I'm not sure why so many people feel that the U.S. should just bow down and lick the boots of Europe anyway. Thomas Jefferson was a great diplomat in Europe, but he believed in U.S. independence and sovereignty!) Thus it was no surprise when Czech president Mirek Topolanek bashed Obama, calling his economic plan a "road to hell." So Obama is now being criticized by the liberal socialists of Europe as well as the fiscal conservatives in America. Hmm. Maybe Europe didn't fall in love with the U.S. again like the Dems promised. But, hey, maybe I like Europe again.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The GOP attacks Rush

In the last 3 days the national news have highly publicized the GOP's disapproval of Rush Limbaugh. AOL put on its website the headline "Does Rush speak for the Republican Party?" What the liberal media chooses not to talk about, however, is that the real question is not whether Rush speaks for Republicans, but "Does the Republican Party speak for conservatives anymore?" Any conservative that has followed politics closely for the last couple of years is not surprised at all that the GOP is choosing to turn away from Rush as they have seemingly turned a deaf ear on all conservatives. The party has chosen to turn away from one of conservatism's greatest communicators because the party verily is no longer speaking for the average conservative. The current GOP is Democrat Lite, Diet Democrat, whatever you want to call it. The party gets away with it because of the resurgence of the Democrats' left wing, making THEM to voters seem like Communist Lite or Diet Socialists.