Tuesday, July 21, 2009

From "White Only" to "No Gun Owners"--Restaurants Poised to Discriminate

The restaurant industry in Tennessee, having lost out after lobbying the legislature not to lift restrictions to the hangun carry permit, now plans to pressure restaurants to post "No legal guns" signs on their doors. Not only does the posting of this sign make permit holders feel like African-Americans walking by a restaurant that has a sign that reads "White Only", but restaurants that follow their lobby organization's desires will stand to lose thousands of dollars in revenue. In this time of economic uncertainty, when so many American families are cutting back on the luxury of eating out, can restaurants really afford to tell a large segment of the population, "You aren't welcome!"?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Guns Banned on the Greenway

Well, this was really a nonevent, wasn't it? Murfreesboro is an anti-gun town, a Franklin "wannabe" full of new Southerners bringing in liberal views to impose on the backwards South like a wave of 21st century carpetbaggers. The bickering back and forth will actually make the parks safer. Permit holders will watch the parks and the Greenway zealously for any news of crime so they can nail the opponents of handgun carry to the wall. The anti-gunners, which include the majority of the municipal government, will vehemently seek to beef up security in the parks to make sure that doesn't happen. The mayor and council took their stand, so don't think they aren't taking the necessary "CYA" contingencies up with the Murfreesboro Police Department. With both sides of the issue watching like hungry hawks and hounds, criminals will stay away, and we all benefit. It's a win-win situation for park users.