Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mayor Dimwit Pushes to Make Town Sprawl Hill

After controversial comments made earlier that the town needs to become "builder friendly", Dinwiddie is continuing his push to sell out Spring Hill's rural charm to volume builders by having a luncheon for developers at city hall on Monday. Giving developers a free hand at ruining Spring Hill is not the answer to the GM closure. In fact, the oversupply of housing statewide only hurt GM employees more since some that were returning to Michigan could not sell their homes. And now Dinwiddie wants to add more cheap housing to the city? Larger family homes on large lots might be a help to the city, but I don't think that's what Dinwiddie means by being "builder friendly". Thus, I think we can expect more low square footage starter homes and huge overpriced apartment complexes in the near future, developments by the way that have proven consistently deficient in paying for the government burdens that they create with their own property tax revenue. Now just why is it that the mayor wants developers to build more in a market that is already bulging with supply?

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